Monday, August 3, 2009

Why this title

One poem by Sylvia Plath to which I often return, even now more than 30 years since I first read it, is "The Eye Mote." You can read it in its entirety here. It is a spin on Oedipus, a subject that bores me utterly, but the poem also talks of longing for what we once were, for a kind of vision that life and its expectations steals from us.

She writes:

What I want back is what I was

Before the bed before the knife

Before the brooch pin and the salve

Fixed me in this parenthesis;

Horses fluent in the wind,

A place, a time gone out of mind.

The title of this blog, then, means seeing without impediment--or at least trying to--guided by the imagination, moving freely between object and ether, free and freeform. I want to write to get out of my fixed thinking, to get out of the bounded and marginal.

We'll see.